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Category: Eye Health

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How Long Does Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Last?

Close-up of a patient’s green eyes. The whites are bright red eyes, showing irritation from dry eye symptoms

One of the leading causes of dry eye is meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), an issue that affects the oil content in your tear film. There are ways to lower your risk of developing MGD, but once it develops, untreated MGD often gets worse without proper medical diagnosis and treatment.
Since it cannot be easily treated without medical intervention, MGD can last several years, with symptoms worsening over time. At-home treatments like warm compresses and eye drops can help relieve these symptoms but may not treat the root cause of MGD. To help effectively treat MGD, your optometrist can provide in-office treatments like Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Low-Level Light Treatment (LLLT).

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Eyelid Hygiene Tips: Keeping Your Eyes Healthy & Clean

A close up view of a woman's blue eyes

If you’ve ever had an itching and burning sensation in your eyes, it may have been a condition called “blepharitis.” This condition causes burning sensations, irritation, flaky skin, and more. While your optometrist can help treat your eye condition, prevention is often the easiest way to handle blepharitis. It helps to keep your eyes healthy […]

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