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Category: Dry Eye

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Do Punctal Plugs Work Immediately?

A young woman working at her desk rubbing her eyes with both hands due to dry eye discomfort.

Living with dry eyes can feel like a constant battle. The irritation, redness, and discomfort can make even the simplest tasks—like reading or working on a computer—challenging. But what if there was a simple and almost immediate solution? This is where punctal plugs come in. These are tiny devices that prevent early tear drainage, keeping […]

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Is Blepharitis Contagious?

A woman holding her left hand over her infected eye

If you have irritated eyelids, it can be a sign of blepharitis. The inflammation of the eyelids can feel uncomfortable and appear aggravated. If you have relatively healthy eyes and haven’t experienced blepharitis before, you may wonder if you contracted the condition from someone else. Blepharitis isn’t contagious; however, it does develop due to excess […]

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