Punctal Plugs in Plainville

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Get Dry Eye Relief: Helping Moisture Last Longer with Tear Duct Plugs

Constantly using eye drops to relieve dry, scratchy eyes can feel like a hassle. Punctal plugs can reduce your reliance on eye drops, offering longer-lasting comfort.

Punctal or tear duct plugs are tiny biocompatible devices inserted into tear ducts to block drainage. This process, called punctal occlusion, keeps tears on the eye’s surface longer to help reduce irritation, redness, and discomfort by enhancing the eye’s natural moisture.Visit our Dry Eye Treatment Center of Connecticut at Higgins Brothers’ Vision Care to find dry eye relief with your customized treatment plan.

Types of Dry Eye:  How Punctal Plugs Can Help

Punctal plugs can offer effective relief for various types of dry eye, including:

  • Aqueous tear deficiency, which occurs when the lacrimal glands don’t produce enough water content. 
  • Evaporative dry eye, which occurs when tears evaporate too quickly from the eye’s surface. 

Punctal plugs can help by preventing existing moisture from draining too quickly, helping to keep your eyes comfortable with longer-lasting surface moisture.

Types of Punctal Plugs for Dry Eyes

There are several types of punctal plugs designed to meet different needs. Each type serves a specific function, allowing eye care professionals to customize treatment based on your unique concerns. 

The most common types are temporary (dissolvable) and semi-permanent. Your eye doctor can recommend an appropriate option based on your symptoms and lifestyle.

Temporary Punctal Plugs

Temporary tear duct plugs are made from materials like collagen. These plugs dissolve over time and can offer short-term relief or allow time to evaluate the initial effectiveness of punctal occlusion.

Semi-Permanent Plugs

Semi-permanent plugs are crafted from silicone or thermally reactive materials. They are more durable and intended to offer long-term relief. Semi-permanent plugs can be easily removed if necessary.

Experience Personalized Care at Our Dry Eye Clinic

If you’re experiencing persistent dry eye symptoms, tear duct plugs might be the solution you need. Our experienced eye care team is here to help you find relief. 

Reclaim your comfort and clarity with your personalized dry eye treatment plan. Schedule an appointment today at the Dry Eye Treatment Center of Connecticut at Higgins Brothers’ Vision Care.

Our Location

Conveniently located a short drive from the I-72 on East Main Street and Crown Street. You’ll recognize our inviting building immediately—it looks like a cozy home.

Our Address

  • 74 E Main St
  • Plainville, CT 06062

Contact Information

In case of an eye emergency call Dr. Higgins at (860)729-4083.

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